Child Custody Investigations
Private investigators for child custody cases need to have the right skill set and also be compassionate. A parent’s responsibility is to ensure the security and safety of their children. Children are often casualties of divorce; our primary goal is to ensure that the child is placed in the right home, with the right parent - whether its mom, dad, or legal guardian. That’s why we offer child custody investigations. Our surveillance experts are well trained in monitoring and capturing behaviors while remaining completely discreet.
In some cases the court appointed primary custodian may not be the best choice for the child. There are many factors and reasons why one parent may not be suitable for primary custody and in some cases not be suitable for visitation at all. In certain cases one parent may engage in inappropriate or illegal activities and or behaviors that would not be suitable for being primary custodian of the child.
Your ex-spouse might start dating an individual who has a criminal record, including a sexual assault conviction or a conviction for driving while intoxicated. Your ex-spouse might make it a habit of dropping the child off at a baby sitter so he/she can go out. Even worse, your ex-spouse may be abusing the child.
At Watchful Eye Investigations we help assist each attorney and individual for their particular custody case. Throughout the entire child custody investigation, we will gather evidence for the client and attorney to help make the deciding factor. Our investigators are highly trained and know exactly what to look for, document, and capture. ​​
Call us today, and let us help you win your custody case!