Special Investigator Delfino Sanchez is currently an Independent Consultant working with Watchful Eye Investigations, LLC as well as with other local, state and federal government agencies. He is a licensed Private Investigator in the state of Texas. His law enforcement commission (Texas Peace Officer License) is held by the Caldwell County Sheriff’s Office. He is a recognized professional that has provided real time intelligence regarding the Central and South American Criminal Cartels and their association with Trans National Organizations (TNO). He's been invited to participate as a Presenter at various law enforcement training's on topics that include but are not limited to: managing human informants, processing raw intelligence, and characteristics of Cartels. In January 2016, he instructed an eight hour training course on the structure, internal job tasking, and responsibilities within the Mexican Cartels with the BAITS: Behavioral And Interactive Training Specialist School held in Austin, Texas. Delfino is a recent retiree from the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) having completed 22 years of service.​